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Volatility is the main feature of the Forex market where trading takes place non- stop throughout the week except for the weekend. It is by far the biggest market on earth and is bigger than all the other markets combined. The daily turnover of the market stands at a figure exceeding four trillion dollars and this will give you an idea as to its trading volume.
This highly volatile market is the arena where millions of traders and investors risk their money in the hope of making a profit. If there was no volatility there would be no trading. In this sense it is truly a blessing that many traders capitalize on. Volatility is brought about by markets that trade erratically swinging between highs and lows. Where there is no market movement in currency prices you will see no volatility and thus no trading will take place in such an environment.
It is fact that the volatility in currency trading moves by pips and a closer look will tell you that this movement is indeed extremely small. This is why leverage is considered as necessary by currency traders, as well as signals. In a highly volatile market losses can be augmented by leverage and at times like this it is best to trade lesser amounts so that losses are also kept to a minimum.
Although a volatile market can be a blessing you should control your trading in such a market. This is easily by using tighter stops so that losses are cut off at the outset. The exact placing of the stop will depend upon the currency pair being traded. Volatile market conditions often tempt traders to invest more than normal in the hope of collecting profits. However, this can be dangerous as the risk faced in a volatile market is higher than at other times. A trader should stick to his planned trading at all times and during times of extreme volatility this is even more essential.
Keeping up with fundamental indicators and news in general will ensure that you know the cause for the high volatility in the Forex market. This knowledge will help you to make better trade decisions in the longer run as you face volatility in the market. When you trade carefully adjusting leverage so as to reduce any potential losses you can still win in a volatile market.
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Volatility is the main feature of the Forex market where trading takes place non- stop throughout the week except for the weekend. It is by far the biggest market on earth and is bigger than all the other markets combined. The daily turnover of the market stands at a figure exceeding four trillion dollars and this will give you an idea as to its trading volume.
This highly volatile market is the arena where millions of traders and investors risk their money in the hope of making a profit. If there was no volatility there would be no trading. In this sense it is truly a blessing that many traders capitalize on. Volatility is brought about by markets that trade erratically swinging between highs and lows. Where there is no market movement in currency prices you will see no volatility and thus no trading will take place in such an environment.
It is fact that the volatility in currency trading moves by pips and a closer look will tell you that this movement is indeed extremely small. This is why leverage is considered as necessary by currency traders, as well as signals. In a highly volatile market losses can be augmented by leverage and at times like this it is best to trade lesser amounts so that losses are also kept to a minimum.
Although a volatile market can be a blessing you should control your trading in such a market. This is easily by using tighter stops so that losses are cut off at the outset. The exact placing of the stop will depend upon the currency pair being traded. Volatile market conditions often tempt traders to invest more than normal in the hope of collecting profits. However, this can be dangerous as the risk faced in a volatile market is higher than at other times. A trader should stick to his planned trading at all times and during times of extreme volatility this is even more essential.
Keeping up with fundamental indicators and news in general will ensure that you know the cause for the high volatility in the Forex market. This knowledge will help you to make better trade decisions in the longer run as you face volatility in the market. When you trade carefully adjusting leverage so as to reduce any potential losses you can still win in a volatile market.
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