The highly volatile and dynamic market of currency trading is built on the price changes of currency pairs that are being traded. There can be any number of price changes oscillating from high to low and back within any given minute. The Forex market is volatile and busy due to the number of traders buying and selling currencies. Demand and supply is the same and rules regarding these apply in the same way as in any other market. An investor who wants profitable trades can start at the time the market is at its busiest. This means that the investor will be able to find either buyers or sellers for his currency trading.
One salient point about the Forex market is that you are always able to find a buyer or a seller for your currency trading needs. This is an aspect of currency trading that is a distinct advantage to traders. For one thing, you can trade at any time during the day or night as the market is open at one of the sessions around the world. This access to the market is one factor for its popularity among retail traders. Trading starts off in New Zealand and is followed closely by Australia, Asia, Middle East, Europe and finally America. Each of these market sessions has their own characteristics. Out of these sessions more than 50% of the trading is done during the European session and the American session. Therefore, a trader who wants to trade more profitably should concentrate on these two sessions.
The different sessions around the world at time overlap each other in trading hours. These overlapping time periods offer the most dynamic and profitable trades for the investor. Out of the overlapping time periods the best are when London and New York sessions overlap. This gives the investor the most dynamic and busiest time in the entire Forex market offering the best potential for profits.
As a trader or an investor in the foreign exchange market it is best to study the overlapping time periods and trade within them. A close study will reveal that the New York session overlaps the London session during 8:00 am and 12 Noon EST. Most big market moves originate during the London session and the time that overlaps the New York session.
One salient point about the Forex market is that you are always able to find a buyer or a seller for your currency trading needs. This is an aspect of currency trading that is a distinct advantage to traders. For one thing, you can trade at any time during the day or night as the market is open at one of the sessions around the world. This access to the market is one factor for its popularity among retail traders. Trading starts off in New Zealand and is followed closely by Australia, Asia, Middle East, Europe and finally America. Each of these market sessions has their own characteristics. Out of these sessions more than 50% of the trading is done during the European session and the American session. Therefore, a trader who wants to trade more profitably should concentrate on these two sessions.
The different sessions around the world at time overlap each other in trading hours. These overlapping time periods offer the most dynamic and profitable trades for the investor. Out of the overlapping time periods the best are when London and New York sessions overlap. This gives the investor the most dynamic and busiest time in the entire Forex market offering the best potential for profits.
As a trader or an investor in the foreign exchange market it is best to study the overlapping time periods and trade within them. A close study will reveal that the New York session overlaps the London session during 8:00 am and 12 Noon EST. Most big market moves originate during the London session and the time that overlaps the New York session.
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